Like most women, I had a difficult time trying to find an image of myself that looked good enough. I decided to just include one that embodies my journey over the past three years. On March 15, 2020 my husband of 34 years died of a massive heart attack. We had just purchased 45 acres of raw land a year prior, with dreams of creating our own little homestead. His passing meant that the baton of hard work, fence building, animal care, planting, and fixing fell squarely on my shoulders – along with all the other things I so loved to do. This image was taken less than 30 days after he died. You don’t know me, but I see a woman who is shell shocked, terrified, but so very, very determined. A tiny warrior who knows no quit.
I created Old West Apron Company as a tribute to hard working women everywhere. A little taste of beauty to accompany us while we do our chores. A little something to smile about as we work throughout the day.
I hope my creations are as fun and pleasing to you while you work, as mine are to me.


The Old Man
Skip came to us as a rescue/owner surrender 11 years ago. He’s a happy go lucky sort that has zero interest in retrieving unless he thinks one of the other dogs wants what I’ve tossed. He’s a 120 pound bed hog that has nothing but love to give.

The General
Recoil was a puppy donation from a friend who rescued a pregnant mother. At 10 years old, and 35 pounds, don’t let his size or age fool you. He’s quite the commander of this household, and he won’t put up with any tomfoolery out of the other mutts. Although, he’s not opposed to trying a bit himself.

The Medic
Trooper is the oldest of our litter. A nervous, needy, anxious guy who is also the ultimate fighter and protector. He’s also a healer. If there’s something broken, he is the one who will smell it, hunt it down, and lick it to death until it’s all better.

The Defender
Valentine is the group’s security man. The ultimate loner, he’s at the ready to defend and protect everything within his domain. He’s not a people (or dog) person, but he loves his momma. And that’s enough for both of us.

Ricochet & Patton
My Heart and Soul
Mom’s shouldn’t have favorites, but I do. Ricochet, my big yella dog, crossed the rainbow bridge in 2022 due to osteosarcoma. I’m not sure why the good Lord decided to take my best and favorite dog, but I am blessed to still have Patton. Ricochet was my best hugger, the one who would kiss and run. Kind, but the pack leader. We’re all lost without him. Patton is the sweetest, kindest, and most gentle dog of the bunch. He keeps his momma sane.

Ella Mae
The Girl
Ella Mae was her daddy’s girl. She may be sweet, but she knows these boys won’t pick on her she uses that advantage to instigate all kinds of mischief. She’s a good girl though and minds better than any of these boys!